Some important things you should do when classification

Anyone who depends on search engines for traffic - which we all - this is a common disease. This is our concern about our ranking. This is logical that this is so widespread. Since these ratings are often our business. At least in the provision of all these aspects, they are so desperately needed.

It is safe to say that every one of us woke up to see a decline in the rating of a 1-page in a state that can not be compared, in the federal witness relocation. We can not find it. And this is bad news.

Here is what to do in this case. Unable to resolve the problem quickly, but at least in a much better position to express themselves and along with it.

1. Do not panic.
It is very important to remember. Take it seriously, but do not lose. There are many reasons for the classification could descend. He went to one of the best-known algorithm Google shake. There may be a temporary move to their position within a short period of time. The key is to eliminate the need to do what your site is ranking in the long-term harm, and their own businesses.

Many people miss, and changes to your site. They are trying to bring it into line with the fact that they believe that the search engines you want now. This may damage your position in search engines, changes in the structure and format of your pages. He confuses the search engine robots and creates the impression of confusion, lack of unity within the site. That's bad for ratings. So do not forget - do not worry. The temporary decline in May. If not, a bulldozer and restore the momentum of jobs, this is not a solution.

2. Think Re: What have you changed recently?
Sometimes, the classification was due to the fact that you've done. For example, I screw reduction rate, because the code, I have some redirections. Htaccess. Do you have a new page recently? Make sure that the links to them, and they are correct. If your destination URL is bad, power of search engines for a group of 404 error pages. They are not.

There are many things that could lead to a ratings slip. Keep in mind that you should focus on the changes, at least 2 weeks, just to be safe. Search engine robots are, how they come to your site, so that in May, responding to changes, old news for you, but new to them.

3. Forward
This temptation, at the dark side of SEO, they become a black hat, if your ratings drop. Especially if you have something on the side or region, you do so. We were all there.

But you know that this is the right choice, but it is hard to resist, a little camouflage. What can I do to continue a solid site: Add relevant, focused content, the structure of the site, so that all content can be found on search engines, based on the links to your site. A bit bored? Yes, occasionally. But this is the best option, especially for those of us who are looking for the economy long term.

Follow these 3 steps the next time you will see a drop in ratings. It is normal to feel disappointed. Not to be confused. It is also good, a little angry. It was a constructive, then go back to work. This is the most secure way.

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