Factors that affect your map

by Bayu Mukti
As my promise to all the readers here that I will give a picture of the "reasons and factors that affect PageRank google that was just updated. But in a strange PageRank, which recently updated it, why most people who remain? down? and why many new blog that can be made 2-5 months directly and dramatically increased up? while the blogs are not quite old and a more meaningful example hit and derived from place? Whether the phenomenon that occurs on the actual PageRank update this time? let's discuss together.
We will study the phenomena question why many domains PageRank, and still does not move and go to a better level, even the same hit Larry Page limitless. This is actually influenced by several things. This example is the domain only. Approximately 6 months ago is still time 0, this domain barter links with the friends that I blog, there pagerank. After that Google also updated precisely 1 March 2008 and this blog looks with PR 3. Why can greatly from 0 to direct upraise PR 3?? This may be one way while the factors that affect the increase PageRank:
1. PR blog that it lower, if exchange link with a higher PR, then automatically update when any PageRank, PR blog, which was 0-1 up to be a better PR. With notes exchange link with the blog that it is better PR.

The purpose is to be PR 2, you must collect 101 of the domain backlink PR 1 or 18 of the domain backlink PR 2 or 3 of the domain backlink PR 3. Inbound will always remember and outbound your link. The definition inbound link is another domain, who loved to link to your domain. While the outbound link is when we give the domain to another domain backlink. Do not until the domain is between us and outbound link inbound greater outbound. If that happens, your blog is likely to remain in the previous PageRank, or what you will be unlucky again descend throne. But if the crime will link you inbound greater than outbound your link. So you stay up waiting just PR.
3. Comments on other blogs, including count backlink. To follow, and no problem to do a follow clear, I think. Please check only watch in backlink to know the actual url who backlink you. There is also indicated where the blog setting comment no follow.
Yachting 3 factors over which the factors that could affect our PageRank rise. So let's tough what factors make us stay PageRank or PR remains in the past.
Television factors do not move
1. Do not qualify. So think you can increase the PR.
2. Inbound and outbound link is not appropriate comparison is recommended that Google, and there is no change inbound link from 3 months ago when Google updates PageRank with the Google PageRank update this month. This makes the PR and you still have not changed
3. The existence of a program Text Link Ads (TLA), DVDs reviews and other more balanced, but inbound your link. This allows you to survive and exist in your map. But must remain careful not to dally, because of inadvertent few you can go to primary alias PR 0.
4. Backlink domain that the domain that we used his high-PR suddenly dropped. This phenomenon does exist that can be blamed. With drop domains that we first backlink domain, we also have to be ready-not ready to move to any number alias still not eligible because the figure 1.1.
Now the end of this session is why we map down? This he factors that cause us Television down:
1. The amount Outbound link is not balanced with Inbound link our domain. This is one of the causes PR drop.
2. The existence of DVDs Review, Text Link Ads (TLA), and such a program but is not balanced with a large inbounds link.
3. The link you removed the same friends that you used to link loved your domain. (Rarely happens)
4. Domain-domain-loved backlink you drop all. By itself you also have to participate Im sorry good bye also on the PR you now.
Perhaps it is just that I can to, if there are shortfalls mutual friends that know and understand more will be sharing this in here somewhere. Hopefully with this article can provide benefits for friends to understand all the main assessment of how Google PageRank on a domain

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