Tips for Raising Alexa Rank Its Artists

This morning I focused on the Alexa Rank is my blog. I turn the brain to create more value in accordance with my desire. And after showing "ideas" I just posted this article.
One of the ranking should be calculated if we want to make money through blog / website is Alexa. So the value of the small Alexa will show traffic blogs / websites that are also good. When you sell products in the blog, then you would not expect visitors come? although they do not buy, at least they have the ads you see the tide. To that Alexa Rank is observed.
Then how tipsy? I do not give tips on, but this can also be tips :)
So I gave it a Baba tips:
1. diligently to update blog / website you (This is addicted to the visitors with your writing)
2. to respond to the comments entry as soon as possible
3. build a strong backlink ('s important yes)
4. blogwalking (manual)
5. SEO (indirectly would increase traffic)
6. Google's own search at all ...
I now go to the main point according Headlines: "Tips to increase Alexa Rank Its Artists."
As we know, has become "famous" in the virtual world, easy difficult. Difficult if we do not know how easy that I had read this article: D
As a comparison I take the example Mr. cosa already famous in the virtual world (and the real world again). He has long been the playground, internet, and until the article was posted, Alexa Rank 117,941 he was little. The value of surprise is not enough? Compared with my blog that "new" to a 667,966.
And also as a comparison, I take the example of getting a list Sandra Bullock the artist. Blog, if he posted this article, Alexa Rank little is under 100 thousand. The figures are startling for a new blog aged 6 months.
Thus, the tips increase Alexa Rank is not actually easy? Please become an artist and being, I guarantee Alexa Rank You surely do not doubt. SEO also through smell: D

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