Tips for Raising Alexa Rank

Alexa Rank is also a parameter used to measure how important is the blog / website you, essentially the same as Page Rank of google com. At the beginning of Indo-trans was probably Alexa ranking of around 20 million now to achieve + / - 422,387. Some of last week I are learner "appetite" to increase the libido of this ranking. Because of the desire to convey the desire so strong, so I'll share a little trick and tips to increase Alexa Rank is based on my experience, I'd do it?

Actually it simple, but essentially we must find a way to the statistics of visitors it increased in the + / - 3 days, although not to be significantly important gained increasing. Here things that you do also:

1. Place the Alexa toolbar, you can't tutor learned here.

2. Do not forget to install the Alexa Traffic Button; to get you can't click here. Then enter the address you blog in the form build the widgets, copy and paste the html code to the page elements you blog. For details of how the pair Alexa widget, you can blog, we donated their Roman.

3. Try to update you blog every day (+ / - 3 days) with post articles, if you go to the cafe every day you can collect first article and you only use the post blooger schedule.

4. As possible in 3 days the statistics you know, the way you post content interesting that people are busy talking about that anymore, or HOT, a sharpshooter hit keyword, even you also need to use tricks SEO. To monitor the statistics of blog visitors you use the tool of histats, site meters, or google Analytic.

5. One way blog walk and the contents of the comment in the Page Rank and Alexa higher can also help.

6. Pray to God that power, wakakak...!!! :))

Happy Blogging,

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